Can Testosterone Get Rid of Gynecomastia?

Testosterone and gynecomastia have a complex relationship. Testosterone is the male hormone responsible for the physical characteristics in men, such as facial hair, muscle growth, sex drive, and weight distribution. Gynecomastia results in the enlargement of breast tissue due to hormonal imbalance. Based on this relationship, most of us have a question: can testosterone get rid of gynecomastia? 

Testosterone has significant benefits, but how does it impact gynecomastia? Can increasing testosterone get rid of gynecomastia? Find answers to all these queries and steps to remove gynecomastia permanently.

What is gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia affects a man’s appearance, self-esteem, and physiological health. It occurs when there is a hormonal imbalance of estrogen and testosterone. It results in the enlargement of male breast tissues, affecting their appearance. Since it’s a hormone-related medical condition, gynecomastia can occur at any age for different reasons. Mainly, it happens when hormones develop or fluctuate during the newborn, adolescence, and middle-age phases.  

In the puberty phase, most boys experience enlarged breast tissues due to hormonal changes. As they go through puberty, breast enlargement may be similar or increased in one breast. Usually, they feel pain and embarrassment. But, it resolves over time. 

As men age, they are prone to onset gynecomastia due to sudden hormonal changes. It occurs due to medical conditions such as kidney failure, obesity, thyroid, adrenal tumors, and testicular cancer. Gynecomastia also appears as a result of medications used to treat depression, male infertility, anxiety, bacterial and fungal infections, peptic ulcers, and enlarged prostate. 

Can testosterone get rid of gynecomastia?

Testosterone and estrogen are the two prominent hormones in human anatomy. Testosterone develops male traits, and estrogen develops female traits. Both hormones are present in each gender, but the difference is that women release high amounts of estrogen, and men produce higher amounts of testosterone. While men produce more testosterone, they equally rely on estrogen for several physical functions.

What is the impact of low testosterone?

When testosterone levels decrease and fall below the parameters, estrogen levels will significantly increase. Lower testosterone levels make it challenging to maintain men’s physical traits and functions. The increased estrogen-to-testosterone ratio leads to breast enlargement in men. A lower testosterone level results in decreased sperm count, reduced sexual drive, and enlarged male breast tissue. Low testosterone levels occur due to inflammation, testicular trauma, testicular cancer, chemotherapy, radiation, and diseases in the pituitary gland of the brain.

Can testosterone get rid of gynecomastia

Can increasing testosterone get rid of gynecomastia?

Fluctuation in testosterone levels leads to gynecomastia. Lower testosterone levels cause fluctuation between estrogen and testosterone, resulting in the enlargement of male breast tissue. Alternatively, excessive testosterone or increased testosterone levels can convert into estrogen through a process called aromatization, which significantly leads to gynecomastia.

How to get rid of gynecomastia?

Testosterone replacement therapy

Testosterone replacement therapy, or TRT, is a solution for men suffering from lower testosterone levels. It improves muscle growth, libido, energy levels, mood, and bone density. Increasing testosterone levels does not prevent gynecomastia. However, if you could reduce the hormonal imbalance, it reduces the risk of enlarged breast tissues. It’s significant to monitor the hormone levels with blood tests and adjust the testosterone levels to minimize the chances of developing gynecomastia. 

Medications to treat gynecomastia

Medications such as estrogen blockers or aromatase inhibitors reduce the risk of enlarged breast tissues. 

Aromatase inhibitors are commonly used in breast cancer. They lower estrogen levels by blocking aromatase, an enzyme that converts hormones into estrogen during hormonal imbalance. 

Tamoxifen prevents elevated estrogen levels and relieves discomfort due to enlarged breast tissues.

How to get rid of gynecomastia permanently?

Male breast reduction is a surgery performed to remove excess breast tissue. Surgeons use a combination of liposuction and excision techniques. They insert a suction through a small incision and remove excess fat. If you have extensive fat, skin, and tissue, surgeons recommend an excision technique to remove glandular breast tissue. They can reposition the nipple and areola during the excision procedure. The incision pattern, location, and length depend on the breast size and desired look. 

Gynecomastia is an outpatient procedure with a faster recovery. You can return to work within two weeks of healing. The results are visible within three to six months after the surgery. The results are permanent unless you gain weight or experience hormonal imbalance. 

Regain your self-esteem with Dr Hasan Ali - the best gynecomastia surgeon in Dubai.

Can testosterone get rid of gynecomastia? Men having gynecomastia feel embarrassed and discomfort with larger breasts. Increased testosterone levels can also contribute to gynecomastia. If you’re experiencing excess growth of breast tissue, it’s essential to consult a gynecomastia specialist. 

Dr Hasan Ali is a renowned and board-certified plastic surgeon who treats gynecomastia. With his proficient expertise, he ensures safe and smooth gynecomastia surgery with optimal results. He evaluates your goals and develops personalized treatment plans to address your specific needs. 

Wondering can testosterone get rid of gynecomastia? Take a confident step towards a confident look! Discuss your concerns with Dr Hasan Ali!